Courses in Spanish

Study and learn Spanish in Spain

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    You can study spanish in Spain in the following cities:

In addition to our many language courses abroad, at Prize English we have made several agreements for Spanish courses in Spain, accredited by official organizations and designed for people whose first language is not Spanish and who wish to make a good start in this language of the future or perfect the language of Cervantes. Our courses are held in the marvelous cities of Cadiz, Valencia, Granada and Cáceres, and are open to people of all ages, levels, nationalities, and so on, resulting in an unforgettable experience surrounded by some of the most picturesque scenery in the most vibrant cities around the Spanish territory.

As an experienced Language Studies Abroad Agency and Language School , the city of Cáceres affords us a backdrop and a place to hold our own English courses, offering the perfect option for studying with us on our own home turf, whether it be learning Spanish and / or English complementarily.

cursos en el extranjero

In short, Prize English is proud to be one of the most pioneering agencies in Extremadura and specialists in language courses in Spain, especially in the area of Spanish and English courses in Cáceres.

acreditación cervantes, titulos oficiales español
títulos idioma español
titulos de español fedele
acreditación mundo

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