Erasmus+ Courses for teachers and students
Erasmus + courses for teachers in Ireland, United Kingdom and Spain.
We have a wide catalog of specific courses for the Erasmus + program in Europe, with the help of this Erasmus + program. Teachers, school directors, administration staff and other school staff are given the opportunity to improve their professional development in a European context.
Other participants who are interested in our courses can also do them privately.
The European dimension of the Erasmus + courses
Our courses are endowed with a European dimension, both in content and structure.
The European dimension can be seen in many ways, such as diversifying the profiles of participants, creating multicultural groups or giving a suitable location for the celebration of the course.
The assistance of a teacher to one of our courses should serve as a catalyst for a better understanding and reflection of European priorities in their educational center, as well as for putting them into practice in the scope of their entire center.
It should also allow meetings between teachers from different European countries, who work with the same educational level (children, primary, secondary ...) and with those who can carry out more international projects.
Each of our courses is at the same time a seminar in which to find contacts and a space that allows participants to start developing European projects.
Our training offers the following:
• Interactive Training, facilitating a productive dialogue among the participants.
• It focuses on the development of teaching professional competences.
• Combines the balance between theory and practical application.
• We work with a selection of appropriate tasks for their duration and objectives to achieve.
• We use a wide range of methods to impart the contents in order to involve the participants in the sessions and to encourage innovation in their future professional practice in their center of origin.
• It is flexible in the way it is taught, taking into account the needs of the participants (such as language, competence levels or previous experience).
• It facilitates various means for participants to reflect on their learning and share it.
Those who enroll in our courses receive a certification that includes the dates of attendance, content and learning outcomes. In this way, it can be used for the professional development of each assistant.